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Interaktiv "yangi qurol" Jucheng an'anaviy Xitoy tibbiyot shifoxonasida an'anaviy operatsiyalarni bajarishda yordam beradi

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"Yaqinda bizning kardiovkali kafedramiz yangi kiritilgan angiografiya tizimidan foydalangan holda 20 dan ortiq koronar angiografiya va stent implantatsiya operatsiyalarini yakunladi. Endi biz nafaqat koronor angiografiya va koronoralli balonni kengaytirishni, balki yurak elektrikologik tekshiruvini, shuningdek, yurak elektrikologik tekshiruvini, rad etuvchi yurak kasalligini davolash va tug'ma yurak kasalligini davolash va o'zaro bog'liq yurak kasalligini davolash. "Vang Shujing, yurak-qon tomir kasalliklari bo'limining direktori, bu nafaqat bemorlarning ehtiyojlarini qondiradigan, balki yurak xastaligini ham samarali qiladi. Kafedraning tashxislash va davolash texnologiyasi ichki darajaga ko'tarildi.


“The introduction of this equipment has made up for the technical shortcomings of the encephalology department. Endi, to'satdan miya infarkti bo'lgan bemorlar uchun biz ikkalasi ham eriydi va trombozni olib tashlashimiz mumkin va boshqa texnik to'siqlar yo'q. " Yu Bingqi, director of the encephalology department, said happily, After the equipment was turned on, the encephalology department successfully completed 26 cerebrovascular interventional surgeries. With the support of this equipment, the encephalology department can perform whole-brain arteriography, intracranial aneurysm filling, acute cerebral infarction intracatheter thrombolysis and thrombectomy, and cervical thrombolysis. Techniques such as stent implantation for arterial stenosis and arteriovenous malformation embolization were recently used to successfully remove the thrombus for a patient with atrial fibrillation who had a detached emboli blocking the middle cerebral artery, saving his life, preserving the function of his limbs, and creating Hayot mo'jizasi.

Lnkmed dan angiografiya yuqori bosimli injektor

Vice President Wang Jianjun introduced that the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been developing interventional diagnosis and treatment technology for nearly 30 years, and was one of the first hospitals to carry out interventional treatment. He has also accumulated a lot of clinical experience in interventional treatment work for more than 20 years. With the development of new interventional operating rooms, Put into use, the scope of interventional medicine diagnosis and treatment in our hospital has been further expanded, and the treatment effect has been significantly improved. By reducing the DPT (time from admission to interventional treatment), the waiting time for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases to undergo relevant examinations will be greatly shortened, especially the treatment time for patients with acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as subarachnoid hemorrhage and acute arterial okklyuziya va trombektomiya. , effectively reduce the mortality and disability rates of patients, thereby speeding up the turnover rate, reducing the number of days of hospitalization, and reducing hospitalization expenses. At the same time, it has effectively improved the hospital's emergency treatment level for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, further improved emergency rescue efficiency, made the green channel smoother, and further improved the construction quality of the hospital's chest pain center and stroke center.

Angiografiya injektori

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BuyangiliklarLNKMED rasmiy veb-saytining yangiliklar bo'limidan.LnkMedis a manufacturer specializing in the development and production of high pressure contrast agent injectors for use with large scanners. With the development of the factory, LnkMed has cooperated with a number of domestic and overseas medical distributors, and the products have been widely used in major hospitals. LnkMed's products and services have won the trust of the market. Our company can also provide various popular models of consumables. Lnkmed ishlab chiqarishga e'tibor beradiCT yagona injektor,CT ikki boshli injektor,MRI kontrasti injektori,Angiografiya yuqori bosimli kontrastli vosita injektoriva ijara materiallari, "tibbiy diagnostika sohasiga hissa qo'shish, bemorlarning sog'lig'ini yaxshilash" maqsadiga erishish uchun sifatni doimo takomillashtiradi.

Xabar vaqti: 22-aprel-2024